Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why use my name and initial for my title? And why include the dashes?

So what’s the reason for the using my name? It's easy and simple to remember. I've always liked things easy and simple in life. But I understand that that's not how life works. Life involves so much complications and complexities that it can't truly be simple. I've heard so many people saying, "Life is hard." And, I agree. I've said that so many times, too, yet I somehow have the desire to live an easy and simple life even though I know that that's impossible due to how society works.

But the reason given above does not explain the initial and dashes. There's definitely meaning behind the formation of my title. "choualinda" is separated from "moua" with a dash because there is somewhat an interesting thing about it. If you were to translate "choua"(in Hmong) and "linda"(in Spanish)...your result will be "beautiful wind." And isn't that something? I surely think so.

And I use my initial because ever since 5th grade, I've come to love reading books. And when I buy them, I would write my initial on the bottom of the books. So every book I own has my initial on them, but even though that have become a habit, I've given up on writing my initial on them about two years ago due to the thought of donating them.

So there you have it. The explanation to my title. I know it has nothing to do with literature, but why not start with something about myself?

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